Where frustration ends and communication begins….

Dogs and humans have different ways of looking at the world and the more you understand your dog’s perceptions, the better equipped you are to meet his needs and live together happily. By using positive reinforcement methods of training, we at See Spot Behave can help you communicate clearly with your dog so you can shape the behavior you want while maintaining trust and strengthening your relationship with your dog.

Our training sessions include information about dog behavior, dog communication and how dogs learn. We also understand that your dog is part of your family and that it is important to get the whole family on board with training for consistency.

By keeping training sessions short, upbeat and fun, your dog will soon be offering you good behaviors and you’ll get a smile out of your dog’s eagerness to learn.

How Can We Help?


Training Services

The Good Citizen Education

  • Any dog, any age - from 8 weeks to adult

  • Personalized, tailored education

    • your dog will be a good citizen at home and in public

    • based on your goals for your dog and your family

  • Flexible to match your schedule, budget, and goals

    • more convenient than a 6-week group class

  • One-on-one in-home and in-public training for a well-socialized dog

  • Meet your dog’s physical, emotional, and enrichment needs

  • Your dog could achieve the American Kennel Club S.T.A.R. Puppy status, the AKC Canine Good Citizen certificate, and prepare for higher achievements like therapy dog.

  • Pricing depends on your goals - we will craft an education plan for you. A single session (one hour) is $150 and packages will be discounted. Call 512-456-8660 or contact us for a free consultation.


Behavioral Modification: problem-solving

Your dog is jumping, nipping, biting, barking, destroying things, afraid of noises, scared at the vet or outings, doesn’t listen or come back when you call, guards food or possessions, or is reactive to other dogs and animals. Your walks are tough with your lunging, barking dog and you’re ready for a change where you aren’t afraid to leave the house. Or you are worried that your dog may dash out the door…etc.

Any of these challenging behaviors can be modified with science-based, positive, fear-free techniques - our certified professional trainers are experienced, educated in canine behavior modification, and we love problem-solving. Call us for a free phone consultation - we would love to help you.

Pricing and the number of sessions depend on your goals. A single session is $150 and packages will be discounted. Aggression cases may require two trainers and may be more than $150 for a single session. Call 512-456-8660 or contact us here.



What about socialization?

Socialization is so much more than seeing other dogs in a group class - even though your pup may be somewhat exposed to dogs in class, they may not learn how to interact appropriately. In addition, socialization is exposure to humans, noises, cars, different environments, other animals, different surfaces, smells, and contexts.

The group class can be frustrating because you are waiting for instruction, while handling your excited or reticent dog, and you may not get enough practice to solidify the new learning you and your dog are receiving. The See Spot Behave education plan includes a socialization schedule with planned, coached outings in a one-on-one format. You and your dog will understand the cues, their application, and how to practice between sessions - with a much better outcome.

Call 512-456-8660 or contact us for a free consultation.



Our Team

Diane Smith is owner of See Spot Behave, LLC. She is an expert in dog behavior, focusing on building a strong relationship between owner and dog.  Diane helps clients take the mystery out of why dogs do what they do and focus on how to teach dogs to behave through positive reinforcement. Her passion lies in helping clients to understand that dogs are neither good nor bad but lack the understanding of what the rules are in a human world. Her goal is to teach clients how to communicate with their dogs so that they can learn how to be part of the family.

Our training team formed See Spot Behave when the much beloved, DogBoy’s Dog Ranch closed after 28 years in business. Rather than split up a great team of dedicated, professional, experienced, positive trainers, we struck out on our own and have been continuing to serve the Austin metroplex. Our team includes certified AKC evaluators, Certified Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT-KA), Certified Canine Behavior Consultants (CCBC-KA), and Fear-Free Professional Trainers.

Diane Smith, owner of See Spot Behave - close up of her smiling, with sunglasse and a baseball cap on. Her fluffy orange and while husky-mix, Harley, is smiling with her tongue out.
Logos for affliations: AKC CGC evaluator, CCBC-KA, CPDT=KA, IAABC, Fear-Free, Pet Care